

How It Works

How It Works

Step 1: Pick your products

Browse the DoorShop website and add as many products as you would like to your cart

Step 2 : Assistance

Complete the online application or seek additional assistance through a phone call, online chat, or by requesting an agent visit. We offer layby and expedited delivery options. To avail of the Fast Delivery Option, please reach out to our agents for assistance.

Step 3: Verification

To ensure the accuracy of your application, our approachable account verification team will contact you. They will verify the details provided in your application, including your name, address, selected products, chosen plan, payment details, etc. Additionally, the verification agent will conduct another budget test to confirm that your purchase aligns with your budget.

Step 4 : Welcome

After successful verification of your account, an email will be dispatched to the provided email address. This email will include comprehensive information about your payment schedule and details pertaining to your order.

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